
Address: Quartier No. 2, Sulejman Kadiu street, 2001, near Judicial District Court of Durres, Durres - Albania.
Phonel & Fax: +355 52 22 7085
Mobile: +355 68 40 55 889
E-mail: info@studioligjore.info
E-mail: info@lawfirmalbania.com
E-mail: info@studioligjore.al
CEM: lawfirmalbania@pec.it

One Stop Office - Tirana
Address: Tirana - Durres highway, industrial road, nearby DRSHTRR Kashar, Tirana.
Phone: +355 4 83 20 411
Mobile: +355 67 500 31 02

Administrative Office

Address: Stefan Kaculini street, No.12, I floor, 2001, Durres, Albania.
Phone & Fax: +355 52 22 22 64
Mobile: +355 67 500 31 01



One Stop Office - Shkozet
Address: Nearby DRSHTRR Shkozet, Durres.
Mobile: +355 67 500 31 03

You may contact us at any time for any problems or legal case, in our numbers or write us here.

With regards TIVARI Law Firm